08 Cardjongg

Mahjongg Solitaire is a popular puzzle game. Its Chinese tiles resemble playing cards. Cardjongg will use historical playing cards instead.

In 1981 Brodie Lockard, a Stanford University student, developed a computer game just two years after a serious gymnastics accident had almost taken his life and left him paralyzed from the neck down. Unable to use his hands to type on a keyboard, Lockard made a special request during his long recovery in hospital: He asked for a PLATO terminal. PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations) was the first generalized computer-assisted instruction system designed and built by the University of Illinois.

The computer game Lockard started coding on his PLATO terminal was a puzzle game displaying Chinese «Mah-Jongg» tiles, pieces used for the Chinese game that had become increasingly popular in the United States. Lockard accordingly called his game «Mah-Jongg solitaire». In 1986 Activision released the game under the name of «Shanghai» (see screenshot), and when Microsoft decided to add the game to their Windows Entertainment Pack für Win 3.x in 1990 (named «Taipei» for legal reasons) Mah-Jongg Solitaire became one of the world's most popular computer games ever.

«Cardjongg» aims at translating the ancient far-east Mah-Jongg imagery into western playing cards iconography. The Chinese Mahjongg tiles - with few exceptions - consist of four suits representing numbers from 1 to 9, almost exactly as western playing cards do. The «Cardjongg» project will therefore display playing cards instead of the traditional Chinese Mah-jongg tiles. «Cardjongg» will be based upon «Letterjongg» the Glamhack project I did in 2018 at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich displaying Renaissance letters instead of the ancient far-east imagery.

Needs: Data providers (historical playing cards, other suitable imagery)

Event finished

05.11.2022 16:30

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04.11.2022 12:03 ~ Darienne

Event started

04.11.2022 09:00

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03.11.2022 14:37 ~ twb

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03.11.2022 13:47 ~ jonaslendenmann


18.10.2022 15:40

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18.10.2022 15:40 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 07:00 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 07:00 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 06:59 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 06:56 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 06:56 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 06:53 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 06:53 ~ twb

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04.10.2022 06:53 ~ twb

Edited content version 6

04.10.2022 06:49 ~ twb

Edited content version 4

04.10.2022 06:43 ~ twb

Joined the team

04.10.2022 06:42 ~ twb

Challenge posted

04.10.2022 06:41 ~ twb
Contributed 1 year ago by twb for GLAMhack 2022
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GLAMhack 2022