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Geomapping Challenge

(03) Convert images metadata to map data and create an interactive map in HTML/CSS/Javascript.

Convert images metadata to map data and create an interactive map in HTML/CSS/Javascript.

Steps: * retrieve place of capture from metadata (and eventually other useful metadata to specify the location) or retrieve Swiss coordinates (LV95) * retrieve geographic coordinates from Wikidata or convert Swiss projection coordinates to global WGS84 coordinates (GPS) * eventually retrieve location names from coordinates * create a map with points (eventually clusters) indicating the specific geographic locations of the images * when clicking on a point, the users receive some information (title, creation date, etc.) and a link to the object on Memobase/Swisstopo website

Eventually, also image recognition could be performed on the images: * automatic recognition of work instruments (theodolite, photo theodolite, measuring table, tilting rule, measuring rod, etc.) * automated tagging and image description for the purpose of accessibility * identify images of same entities (places, buildings, etc.) and relate them to each other via a timeline * automatic adjustment of the map layer to the image time period (when clicking on a photo from 1880, the background would adapt to the map sheet from 1880)

Dataset: Fonds de photographies des prises de vue techniques de l'office fédéral de topographie Swisstopo: Technical photo collection of the Federal Office of Topography SWISSTOPO: The "technical shots" collection is an integrated and special photographic collection of the swisstopo photographic collection. It has a high documentary value. The oldest photographs date back to the 1880s.

Information about the collection: https://memobase.ch/fr/recordSet/blt-001 https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/fr/connaissances-faits/histoire-collections/images-historiques/images-techniques.html

Metadata: https://api.memobase.ch/record/advancedSearch?q=isPartOf:mbrs:blt-001

Data: 9417 images

Needs: developers with experience creating such online interactive maps; eventually developers with image recognition experience.

Useful resources: * Tools for converting Swiss coordinates to global coordinates: * https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/en/maps-data-online/calculation-services/navref.html * https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/de/online/calculation-services/reframe.html * https://www.geo.admin.ch/ * Swissnames: https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/de/geodata/landscape/names3d.html#download * Swissboundaries: https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/de/geodata/landscape/boundaries3d.html * Glossarium Helvetiae historicum: https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/ghh/ * Toponymes.ch: https://www.ortsnamen.ch/fr/

Event finish


Edited (version 8)

1 year ago ~ jonaslendenmann

Edited (version 6)

1 year ago ~ roberta_padlina

Edited (version 4)

1 year ago ~ roberta_padlina

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1 year ago ~ roberta_padlina

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1 year ago ~ roberta_padlina
Contributed 1 year ago by roberta_padlina for GLAMhack 2022
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