Edited (version 13)
Mappa Letteraria
(13) Paving the way for more open data in Tessin
Better information for tourists so they can better know what they are seeing as they are moving from site to site. The result is an initial exchange of information, we better understood that from the database of the Canton significant data could be obtained, uploaded to Wikidata (similar to Noon at the Museum) and used for innovative applications.
Team 13 is improving the interactive "Mappa Letteraria" of the Cultural Observatory of the Canton Ticino, linking the georeferenced literature quotes with additional data from @wikidata and @WikiCommons 🌍📚 > https://t.co/4tQ84QT8vg #GLAMhack2022 @supsi_ch @WikimediaItalia pic.twitter.com/TL8iTtMu2u
— Opendata.ch (@OpendataCH@mastodon.social) (@OpendataCH) November 5, 2022
📦 File: Presentation UAPCD Hergys Helmesi_compressed.pdf
Event finish
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GLAMhack 2022