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Blog post introducing the GLAMhack23 projects in Wiki Loves Living Heritage

Wiki Loves Living Heritage shares ideas to create Wikimedia activities around Living Heritage


Wiki Loves Living Heritage is a wiki initiative that pays tribute to the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. We invite heritage communities, Wikimedia volunteers, safeguarding organizations and authorities around the world to document and share Living Heritage together.

The GLAMhack projects explore approaches that can be introduced as best practices for Wikimedians in writing and describing cultures around the world, as well as memory institutions and safeguarding organization in their mission.

Wiki Loves Living Heritage features blog posts on its main page for different kind of presentations of activities related to the topic.

Event finished

Event started

Edited (version 4)

29.09.2023 05:24 ~ Susannans

Edited (version 3)

29.09.2023 05:24 ~ Susannans

Edited (version 2)

29.09.2023 05:23 ~ Susannans

Edited (version 1)

29.09.2023 05:18 ~ Susannans

Joined the team

29.09.2023 05:10 ~ Susannans

First post View challenge

29.09.2023 04:50 ~ Susannans


Contributed 10 months ago by Susannans for GLAMhack 2023
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