Self-organized Art Initiatives in Switzerland

Data set with self-organized art initiatives in Switzerland



The research project “Off OffOff Of?” (2015-2019) undertook an analysis of self-organized art spaces in Switzerland. It has thus created a unique overview of an important part of contemporary Swiss cultural life. An important basis for the scientific work and the cultural policy discussion was the compilation of a data set with over 700 of such initiatives. This data set is accessible via the interface of the project website https://selbstorganisation-in-der-kunst.ch. However, no further use has been made to date. The challenge aims to make the dataset more accessible, i.e. above all to link it to Wikidata and to store parts of it in Wikidata.

In the image a screenshot of the interactive map of the self-organized art initiatives in Switzerland https://selbstorganisation-in-der-kunst.chScreenshot 20240819 at 152904 .png

Self-organized Art Initiatives in Switzerland

This data set was created as part of the "Off OffOff Of?" research project at the Lucerne School of Design, Film and Art. It contains information about more than 700 self-organized art initiatives in Switzerland and is the basis for the project website selbstorganisation-in-der-kunst.ch.

The data set consist of 3 tables, where data/projects.csv is the main table and data/people.csv and data/places.csv refer to it with additional information. datapackage.json explains the structure and the data types according to Frictionless Data conventions.

The data set has been cleaned up and ingested into Wikidata during GLAMhack24.



Processing steps

  • Geocoordinates (WGS84) have been added to data/places.csv via scripts/retrieve_WGS84.py using the Nominatim API.
  • Data has been cleaned and adapted for Wikidata using OpenRefine.
  • Reconciled against Wikidata, Q-numbers have been added to the data sets.


Parts of the data have been ingested to Wikidata. The ingested self-organized art initiatives are identified as described by source (P1343) Unabhängig, prekär, professionell (Q130250557), the main publication of the research project.

The following queries can be used to retrieve the data.

Simple list of all initiatives:

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE
  ?item wdt:P1343 wd:Q130250557.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


Example of a list with additional information:

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?placeLabel ?start ?end WHERE
  ?item wdt:P1343 wd:Q130250557.
    ?item wdt:P276 ?place.
    ?item wdt:P571 ?start.
    ?item wdt:P576 ?end.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }


World map of self-organized art initiatives:

SELECT DISTINCT ?project ?projectLabel ?geo WHERE {
  { ?project wdt:P31 wd:Q3325736. }
  { ?project wdt:P31 wd:Q4034417. }
  # ?project wdt:P17 wd:Q39. # Switzerland only
  ?project wdt:P625 ?geo.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }



The content of the research project "Off OffOff Of?" is released under the license CC BY 4.0, unless differently stated; the structured data about the self-organized art initiatives are released with the license CC0 1.0.

This content is a preview from an external site.

Event finish


Edited (version 20)

3 weeks ago ~ iopensa


Please find here a presentation in pdf of the work producing during the GLAMHack 2024 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Slides_of_Self-organised_art_initiatives_in_Switzerland_-_challenge_10_at_GLAMHack_2024.pdf

3 weeks ago ~ iopensa

Edited (version 19)

3 weeks ago ~ iopensa

Added visualisation code that uses realtime WikiData (@Omar Abdesslem)

Added visualisation code (@Omar Abdesslem)

Update README.md (@omarabdesslem)

places ingest

Added QuickStatemnts code for website (@Omar Abdesslem)

Restructured archive (@Omar Abdesslem)

first ingest

Merge branch 'main' of github.com:birk/swiss-art-initiatives (@Omar Abdesslem)

Corrected FacebookIDs for projects table (@Omar Abdesslem)

Update README.md (@omarabdesslem)

project archive restructure (@Omar Abdesslem)

reimported corrupt project archive (@Omar Abdesslem)

reimported corrupt project archvie (@Omar Abdesslem)

Added project_q, seperate website urls for wiki,Structured Archive (@Omar Abdesslem)

Removed DS_Store (@Omar Abdesslem)

Sorted Reconsiliations project names (@Omar Abdesslem)

Added reconsiled project names (@Omar Abdesslem)

places work in progress

Added archive for OpenRefine (@Omar Abdesslem)

Edited (version 18)

3 weeks ago ~ iopensa



Edited (version 15)

3 weeks ago ~ iopensa

Edited (version 14)

3 weeks ago ~ iopensa

Repository updated

3 weeks ago ~ iopensa

Joined the team

3 weeks ago ~ Allis

Edited (version 10)

1 month ago ~ iopensa

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1 month ago ~ pablo_mueller

Edited (version 8)

1 month ago ~ birk

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1 month ago ~ birk

Edited (version 7)

1 month ago ~ iopensa

Edited (version 6)

1 month ago ~ iopensa

Edited (version 3)

1 month ago ~ iopensa

Edited (version 2)

1 month ago ~ iopensa

Edited (version 1)

1 month ago ~ iopensa

Joined the team

1 month ago ~ iopensa

Challenge shared
Tap here to review.

1 month ago ~ birk
Contributed 1 month ago by birk for GLAMhack 2024
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