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Stadthausplatz Zurich

A collection of photographs and views of the historical town hall square in Zurich from the 19th century

This new dataset contains a selection of historical images of the old main town square ("Stadthausplatz"), a central place in former Kratzquartier in Zurich. The square and most of the buildings disappeared in the 19th century when the Bahnhofstrasse (main street) was built.

The city's Archives of Architectural History (Baugeschichtliches Archiv der Stadt Zürich) contain many pictures of the "Kratzquartier" before and after its demolition. The redevelopment of the Kratzquartier and other areas of the city prompted the city council to issue a decree in 1877 that all major demolitions and changes in the city were to be photographed. This decree formed the foundation stone for the "Baugeschichtliches Archiv der Stadt Zürich".

General idea: Merging of a historical photo-lot, historical maps and further archival information (lists of inhabitants for exampel) on a location that has disappeared forever. Can the square be resurrected virtually by some means?

Data access: https://data.stadt-zuerich.ch/dataset/baz_stadthausplatz | Browse the pictures: http://baz.e-pics.ethz.ch/index.jspx?category=26204 | Historical city map around 1860:

| Further documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hZqXq4Wx61dq1H1Gd3bjf01d9ZmGti4l?usp=sharing

Contact: Saro Pepe Fischer, Baugeschichtliches Archiv der Stadt Zürich, Neumarkt 4, 8001 Zürich | saro.pepefischer@zuerich.ch



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3 years ago ~ SaroPepe

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3 years ago ~ SaroPepe

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3 years ago ~ SaroPepe
Contributed 3 years ago by SaroPepe for GLAMhack 2021

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