Challenge Project

Wikidata Tutorial Factory

Or how to efficiently produce Wikidata tutorials for heritage institutions


Our Hackathon project consists in producing a website with Wikidata tutorials specifically aimed at heritage institutions. The tutorials shall cover a broad range of topics, providing simple explanations for beginners in several languages. The tutorials will be gathered on a website, where users can either look for specific instructions or go through the whole programme of tutorials. In this perspective, we have created a storyboard going from a general introduction to the usefulness of Wikidata for GLAMs to tutorials explaining how to edit specific information.

The tutorials are based on powerpoint presentations with audio tracks. We have prepared a template to facilitate the tutorial production during the hackathon. We also have scripts for some of the topics. We will be using applications such as deepl to automatically translate the scripts. With the use of “text to speech” converters, we will record the scripts in English, French, German and Italian. This will allow us to produce many tutorials in the short time span of the GLAMhack.

A second aspect of our project consists in producing a short video as an introduction to our website. This video should explain what kind of information is registered about GLAMs in Wikidata and what benefits the institutions can draw from the database.

We are looking for participants who are interested in sharing their Wikidata knowledge, people who have experience with fun and easy tutorials, people who know wordpress to work on the website, polyglots who can edit the automatically generated translations or people without any Wikidata know-how who want to help us develop the user journey of our tutorial programme by trying it out. For the short introduction video, we are looking for multimedia producers.

Project Documentation

General Procedure
1. Create a template for the tutorials: Powerpoint presentation with space holders for audiofiles
2. Make a list of topics that could be covered in the tutorials
3. Create a website where to publish the tutorials 4. Produce as many tutorials as possible!

Tutorial organisation tree: Title

Tutorial Factory
1. Prepare a powerpoint presentation with the script in English as notes and the screenshots in the language of the tutorial
2. Transform the script into audiofiles with spoken word (see this repository for a way to do this using Google Cloud)
3. Insert the audiofiles into each slide and adapt the animation according to the spoken word
4. Translate the script into another language and replicate the screenshots in the new language
5. Repeat steps 2 and 3

Note: leave the written script as a note on each slide. This makes the tutorials user friendly to persons with hearing impairment and also facilitates the translation into other languages.

1. Create an upload system
2. Create a landing page for each language with the list of topics
3. Enable users to download the tutorials and leave a comment

- 7 tutorial scripts in English
- 3 tutorials in German
- 4 tutorials in English
- 2 tutorials in Italian
- 2 tutorials in French
- website in 2 languages (German and English)

Link to website:

Project Team:
Annina Clara Engel
Alicia Fagerving
Sarah Fuchs
Valérie Hashimoto
Oliver Waddell
Nicolai Wenger

Contact: Valérie aka GLAMoperator >


20.04.2021 05:58 ~ GLAMoperator

Event finished

We have created a website as a multilingual tutorial depository website where users can download and upload tutorials.

17.04.2021 13:19 ~ GLAMoperator


17.04.2021 13:15 ~ GLAMoperator

Joined the team

16.04.2021 10:20 ~ waddell

Event started


13.04.2021 08:51 ~ GLAMoperator

Joined the team

12.04.2021 16:06 ~ clemence_hermann


30.03.2021 16:21 ~ GLAMoperator

Joined the team

30.03.2021 16:15 ~ GLAMoperator

First post View challenge

30.03.2021 16:15 ~ GLAMoperator


Contributed 3 years ago by GLAMoperator for GLAMhack 2021

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