Making digitised scores audible

The Zentralbibliothek Zurich and several other Libraries in Switzerland own large numbers of music scores. Several of these scores are accessible via the digital platforms e-manuscripta and e-rara. But what if you want to hear the music instead of just seeing the score sheets?

We would like to make digitised music scores deposited on e-manuscripta and e-rara audible, using OMR and notational software. Our overall goal would be to develop a workflow resulting in audio files. Such a workflow would at any rate include manual steps. Rather than developing a fully automated pipeline, this little explorative study is an attempt to find out about the potentials of OMR in a cultural heritage context, possibly making written music more accessible.


Final Presentation


Project Documentation





  • Anna Keller
  • Henrike Hoffmann
  • Alexa Renggli
  • Neni Milo
  • Nobutake Kamiya
  • Lionel Walter

Image: Hans Georg Nägeli: Christliche Lieder zur Feyer der Reformation, Zürich 1818, Zentralbibliothek Zürich, Mus WB 7132 (

Event finished


17.04.2021 16:10 ~ lionel_walter

Joined the team

17.04.2021 14:43 ~ henrikeh


17.04.2021 14:42 ~ lionel_walter


17.04.2021 13:54 ~ lionel_walter


17.04.2021 13:53 ~ lionel_walter

Joined the team

17.04.2021 13:49 ~ lionel_walter

Event started

Repository updated

12.04.2021 14:16 ~ lschmitt


12.04.2021 14:16 ~ lschmitt

Repository updated

09.04.2021 13:13 ~ lschmitt


09.04.2021 13:12 ~ lschmitt

Repository updated

09.04.2021 12:52 ~ lschmitt


09.04.2021 12:52 ~ lschmitt

Repository updated

09.04.2021 12:21 ~ lschmitt

Joined the team

09.04.2021 12:21 ~ lschmitt

First post View challenge

09.04.2021 12:21 ~ lschmitt


Contributed 3 years ago by lschmitt for GLAMhack 2021

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