How did the discourses around the women's suffrage evolve over time in Switzerland?
Automatically generate an overview of large archived datasets
Following the paths of Friedrich Ruef-Hirt discovering his fascinating photographs taken between 1905 and 1910.
Friendly chat bot to guide you through the collection
Simple event calendar for public viewing of performing arts productions past and future.
Make it easy for anyone to use the Looted-art Detector we created at last year's Glamhack2020.
Dicovering artworks through emotions
The ancient Romans had accurate maps of Europe, but no navigation devices yet. helevetiX now provides one.
We want to showcase the artworks of swiss contemporary artists in a VR space.
Conceptualizing Interactive Narratives for a "Scientainment" Audience
Turning oral history into an interactive information network
Opening a dataset of underground multimedia art
How did geopolitics and scientific interests affect provenances in a collection of 75 000 European artefacts?
A metadata analysis tool comparing metadata of GLAM source systems with Wikimedia Commons.
Or how to efficiently produce Wikidata tutorials for heritage institutions