4th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon
Our fourth Open Cultural Data Hackathon took place on 26-28 October 2018 at the Swiss National Museum in Zurich -- in cooperation with the ETH Library, Zentralbibliothek Zürich, the Swiss Social Archives, the State Archives of the Canton of Zurich, the Basel Historical Museum, Wikimedia CH, infoclio.ch and the members of the Friends of OpenGLAM Network.
A Pre-Event to our Hackathon was held at the ETH Zurich on 11 September 2018. This event was aimed specifically at students and gave information about the type of data provided at the GLAMhack as well as examples of projects conducted during past editions.
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Share your data in view of the next Open Cultural Data Hackathon
You may own yourself cultural data that you are ready to share. Please look at these infosheets (German / French) on how to share data. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact beat.estermann@openglam.ch.
Press release
Press release concerning the GLAMhack Awards and the 2018 edition of the hackathon.
Results of the Swiss GLAMhack Awards 2018
Photo: Aura.ch © Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum
Hackathon Projects
Ask the Artist (winner of the "perfectly made" category and "biggest round of applause")
Walking Around the Globe -- 3D Picture Exhibition (winner of the "brand new" category)
Wikidata-driven Multilingual Search in the Library Catalogue
Zurich Historical Photo Tours (formerly: Historical Tours based on Geo-data) (winner of the "stunningly beautiful" category)
The video recordings of all the project presentations can be found at infoclio.ch's hackathon reporting page.
What was new compared to earlier editions?
For the first time, #GLAMhack was hosted by a museum, and seized the occasion to encourage more museums to participate as data providers. Furthermore, we introduced a couple of changes to our hackathon concept:
This year's focus was on creating softwares or artefacts that engage an audience -- either online or in form of exhibits/installations. We thereby also encouraged the use of non-standard hardware, such as virtual reality equipment and the like.
The two hackathon days were followed by a public project presentation event on Sunday afternoon, where visitors had the possibility to test the products and to meet their creators. Symbolic prizes were awarded to the best projects in several categories.
Swiss GLAMhack Awards
The Swiss GLAMhack Awards took place on Sunday, 28 October.
The jury awarded prizes in the following categories (one winning project per category):
Perfectly made (for the project that enables the greatest gain in knowledge): winner Ask the Artist
Stunningly beautiful (for the project that best highlights one or more open cultural dataset(s)): winner Zurich Historical Photo Tours
Brand new (for the most innovative or original project): winner Walking Around the Globe -- 3D Picture Exhibition
The audience awarded the prize in the category:
- Biggest round of applause: winner Ask the Artist
Members of the jury
Sonja Gasser (Kunsthaus Zürich & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Michael Kempf (Landesmuseum Zürich )
Enrico Natale (infoclio.ch)
Mathias Müller (Institut für Computerlingustik, Universität Zürich)
Lothar Schmitt (Zentralbibliothek Zürich)
Michael Gasser (ETH-Bibliothek)
The members of the Jury. Photo by Thomas Bochet.
Media Coverage
Coverage of the hackathon in the media and in blogs:
(continuously put up to date)
GLAMhack Awards 2018 - The Winners (blog article by Valérie Hashimoto with video sequences by infoclio.ch, 17.11.2018)
Cultural data hacked successfully (blog article by the ETH Library, 07.11.2018)
Project presentations (videos of the project presentations by infoclio.ch, November 2018)
#046#glamhack (blog article by Oleg Lavrovsky, 30.10.2018)
4. Schweizer Kultur-Hackathon im Schweizer Landesmuseum (blog article by Dominik Landwehr, 29.10.2018)
Letterjongg (blog article by Thomas Weibel, 28.10.2018)
Gamen auf mittelalterlicher Handschrift (blog article by Valérie Hashimoto, 11.10.2018)
Pictures taken during the hackathon are available on Wikimedia Commons.
The event was organized by the OpenGLAM CH Working Group of the opendata.ch association, with contributions from:
- Beat Estermann, coordinator of the OpenGLAM Working Group
- Valérie Hashimoto, project coordinator
- Oleg Lavrovsky
- Frédéric Noyer
- Lionel Walter (lead dataset team)
- Jan Baumann
- Enrico Natale
- Thomas Bochet (lead logistics)
- Anna Durisch
- Dario Donati
- Dominik Sievi
- Michael Gasser (co-lead programme committee)
- Lothar Schmitt (co-lead programme committee)
- Vassil Vassilev
- Fabian Würz
- Tobias Hodel
- Stefan Bürer
Sponsors / Supporting Organizations
The Cultural Hackathon was made possible by financial and/or in kind contributions from the Swiss National Museum in Zurich, the ETH Library, Wikimedia CH, Zentralbibliothek Zürich, infoclio.ch, the Swiss Social Archives, and the members of the Friends of OpenGLAM Network.