Use scaling instead of cropping (@Micha Reiser)
display data of museumobjects in a innovative and explorative way
Explore the collection in a new, interessting way
You have to find objects, which have similar metadata and try to match them. The displayed objects are (semi-)randomly selected from a dataset (eg. from SNM). From the metadata of the starting object, the app will search for three other objects:
One which matches in 2+ metadata tags
One which matches in 1 metadata tag
One which is completly random.
If you choose the right one, the app will display three new objects accordingly to the way explained above.
Tags used from the datasets:
OBJEKT Klassifikation (x)
OBJEKT Webtext
OBJEKT Datierung (x)
OBJEKT → Herstellung (x)
OBJEKT → Herkunft (x)
(x) = used for matching
To Do
Datasets are too divers; in some cases there is no match. Datasets need to be prepared.
The tag "Klassifikation" is too specific
The tags "Herstellung" and "Herkunft" are often empty or not consistent.
The gaming aspect needs to be implemented
Use case
There are various cases, where the app could be used. It mainly depends on the datasets you use:
Explore hidden objects of a museum collection
Train students to identify art periods
Find connections between museums, which are not obvious (e.g. art and historical objects)
--> Build with two sets: Technologie und Brauchtum / Kutschen & Schlitten & Fahrzeuge
Tech. Demo:
Design Demo (not functional):
- Micha Reiser
- Jacqueline Martinelli
- Anastasiya Korotkova
- Dominic Studer
- Yaw Lam
The goal of this project is to display different data of museumobjects in a innovative way.
Datasource of the project is open data from the Landesmuseum Zürich.
Build during the 4th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. (
Event finish
Remove console.log (@Micha Reiser)
Delete docs folder (@Micha Reiser)
Update build (@Micha Reiser)
Commit docs folder (@Micha Reiser)
Improve Layout (@Micha Reiser)
Add files via upload (@doemee)
Improve Layout (@Micha Reiser)
Use bootstraph theme (@Micha Reiser)
Add files via upload (@doemee)
"optimized build" (@Micha Reiser)
Version 0.1 (@Micha Reiser)
Update Technologie_Brauchtum.csv (@doemee)
Add files via upload (@doemee)
Update Technologie_Brauchtum.csv (@doemee)
Merge branch 'master' of (@yaaww89)
changed file encoding (@yaaww89)
First draft of random objects (@Micha Reiser)
added env to gitignore (@yaaww89)
added import folder and some raw datas
deleted unused packages (@yaaww89)
Update (@doemee)
List objects (@Micha Reiser)
Add GraphQL (@Micha Reiser)
Move frontend to subfolder (@Micha Reiser)
Init react app (@Micha Reiser)
First contribution from yaw (@yaaww89)
Update (@doemee)
Initial commit (@GitHub)
Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2018
Art on Paper Gallery