Edited (version 22)
Museum finder
(10) Whenever you are in a new city, you might look for a museum. Museum finder is an Augmented Reality webapp that will help you find one.
HTML5 web technology has greatly evolved in the last decade: Simple webpages can determine the user's precise location, his heading, and they can access the smartphone's gyroscope angles as well as its camera stream. These data can be used for building an Augmented Reality webapp that can interactively guide any user to the place he is looking for.
The Glamhack/Swissbib project «Inventory of Research Libraries in Switzerland» provides the data of ~900 libraries and archives including websites and georeferences (status end of 2020). In combination with modern (yet still experimental) Javascript methods this dataset allows for coding an AR web app directing the user to the nearest libraries depending on his current position.

Needs: Data experts (Wikidata, SPARQL), designers
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Monument Cemetery
GLAMhack 2022
Networking Swiss Performance Art