Cultural Data Worldwide
Mirror of data:glam on the make.opendata wiki

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Open Cultural Data Worldwide
We are collecting links to data sets here in view of the upcoming Open Cultural Data Hackathon. The list contains links to open data currently available online; please feel free to add any new ones, or flag non-open or missing datasets. There is a separate list of Swiss data sources.
Open Collections (worldwide)
- List of Open Collections (OKFN - OpenGLAM)
- Datahub: OpenGLAM (OKFN)
- Datahub: ‘Museum’ (OKFN)
- Culture Hack UK - Data (United Kingdom)
- Open Cultuur Datasets (Netherlands)
- Open Cultuur Datasets (Belgium)
- Reusable Content (New Zealand)
- Europeana Labs, API, API Forum (Europe)
- Freebase
- Internet Archive Book Images
Authority Files (worldwide)
- ORCID API - persistent digital identifier
- CrossRef API - reference linking service
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File (OCLC)
- Library of Congress Subject Headings (Library of Congress)
- DNB - Gemeinsame Normdatei (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, via datahub)
- IdRef - Référentiel d'autorités (Agence bibliograpique de l'enseignement supérieur)
- BARTOC - Basel Registry of Thesauri, Ontologies, and Classifications (University of Basel)
- See also: List of Authority Files (Wikipedia)
SPARQL Endpoints (Linked Data, worldwide)
- Wikidata Sparql Endpoint
- DBPEDIA Sparql Endpoint
- British Museum Sparql Endpoint
- Europeana Sparql Endpoint] * [[|Getty Vocabularies Sparql Endpoint
- BNF Sparql Endpoint
- Yale Center for British Art Sparql Endpoint
- Linked Movie Database
- More Sparql Endpoints from W3C
- Wikimedia Commons Query Service
Further Resources (worldwide)
- Alpmetric API - social mentions of scholarly works
- Bibliothèque nationale de France (Data)
- British Library Labs & resources
- Cultural heritage APIs and example projects
- Creative Commons Search
- Cultural Gems - Kultur- und Kreativorte in europäischen Städten
- Etree Trader's Database
- Europeana: Pilots and Challenges
- Europeana challenges, example datasets & data mashups
- Europeana Collections with various possibilities to explore new thematic collections about art, music, fashion, photography, WWI, etc.
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- Google Books API
- International Music Score Library Project
- Lost Art Internet Database
- Montreux Jazz concert database
- MusicBrainz Database
- National Gallery of Denmark Collection
- Photography
- Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: Rijksstudio, API
- Swiss Online-Databases on stolen art
- The European Library Open Dataset
- Wikimedia Commons: Codex Manesse
- Wikimedia Commons Structured Data Portal
- Zeitfenster App
Further Resources