Swiss Heritage Data
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Swiss Heritage Data
This page contains a list of open heritage data from and/or about Switzerland. New arrivals since the last Open Cultural Data have been highlighted with a ⭐️. Feel free to add any further datasets that are in line with the OpenGLAM Principles.
Save for a small number of exceptions listed below, GLAM datasets for the hackathon are being published and promoted on, the national open data registry. GLAM datasets on can be found via their tags glam and openglam (for English, French, German and Italian). Datasets from natural history collections are referenced on GBIF.
Data providers are invited to manage the description of their data themselves under their own organizational account on As an exception, the OpenGLAM CH Working Group may take care of the listing of the data on behalf of data providers which do not have their own user account on (yet).
Note that we are in an ongoing dialogue with the Federal Statistical Office, who are running, in view of the improvement of the platform with regard to the presentation of heritage data. If you have any suggestions or comments in this regard, please let us know: info(at)
- Archives cantonales jurassiennes (State Archives of the Canton of Jura)
- Archives cantonales vaudoises (State Archives of the Canton of Vaud)
- Archives d'Etat de Genève (State Archives of the Canton of Geneva)
- Archives of Contemporary History / Archiv für Zeitgeschichte, ETH Zürich
- Archiv Ortsgeschichte Wetzikon (Municipal Archives Wetzikon)
- Archives de l'Etat du Valais
- Baden Municipal Archives
- Bern University of the Arts
- Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire Lausanne BCUL
- Büro für Fotografiegeschichte Bern
- Canton of Zurich – Monuments Protection Service
- Canton of Zurich – State Archives
- Canton of Zurich – Statistical Office
- Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz
- City of Zurich – Municipal Archives
- City of Zurich – Grün Stadt Zürich
- City of Zurich – Police
- City of Zurich – Urban Planning Office
- City of Zurich – Architectural Heritage Office
- City of Zurich – Office for Art in the Public Space
- Cultural Observatory of the Canton of Ticino (Osservatorio Culturale del Cantone Ticino)
- e-codices (multiple swiss libraries)
- e-manusripta (multiple swiss libraries)
- e-rara (multiple swiss libraries)
- EPFL – Montreux Jazz Digital Project
- EPFL – Musée Bolo
ETH Library
- Photographs by Documenta Natura (1987–2010)
- Productions of Max Frisch plays since 1945
- API for direct access to ETH Library's resources
- C. G. Jung Correspondence (metadata)
- Media on Wikimedia Commons contributed by ETH Library
- Photos by the Swiss photographer, pilot and aviation pioneer Walter Mittelholzer (1894-1937)
- Photos from the Max Frisch Archive
- Max Frisch primary literature (sample query)
- Photographs of Thomas Mann
- Correspondence Thomas Mann (metadata)
- Thomas Mann secondary literature (sample query)
- Collection of Scientific Instruments and Teaching Aids
- Federal Office for Civil Protection, PCP Section
- Federal Roads Office
- Federal Statistical Office FSO
- Historical Dictionary of Switzerland (Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz / Dictionnaire historique de la Suisse)
- Historical Museum Basel
- Infoclio
- International Telecommunication Union ITU
- IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
- Kunsthaus Zürich
- Le Temps Historical Archive
- Library Am Guisanplatz BiG
- Memoriav association
- Mediathèque Valais - Martigny
Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Neuchâtel
- ⭐️Entomological Collection - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️Collection of fish fossils created by Louis Agassiz (images on Wikimedia Commons)
- Musées Cantonaux du Valais
- Museris/:ratio
- Museum der Kulturen Basel
- Naturhistorisches Museum Bern
- Naturmuseum Thurgau
- Plazi
- PTT-Archive
- Radio Télévision Suisse
- Heritage Foundation SBB
- Sammlung der Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte in Winterthur
- Schaffhausen Municipal Library
- Shoe Museum Lausanne
- Société d'histoire de l'art en Suisse SHAS
- swissbib
- swisscollections
- SwissJazzOrama
Swiss Federal Archives
- Archive database of the Swiss Federal Archives
- Federal consultations 1960–1991
- Fonds overview: Federal State since 1848
- Carl Durheim’s police photographs of stateless persons
- Geneva Conventions: Scans of original documents
- Finding aids of ETH Zurich University Archives within the Archives Portal Europe (APE)
- Historical Photograph Collection: "Active Service in the World War I (1914–1918)"
- State financial statements / federal budget: receipts and expenditure of the Confederation for the previous and following year (1848–2003)
- The Stapfer-Enquête: schooling in Switzerland 1799
- Swiss Foundation Public Domain
- Swiss Game Developers Association (with help from School of Data Switzerland)
Swiss National Library
- Aerial Photographs by Eduard Spelterini
- Archive Adolf Pochon
- Autographensammlung Hans Rhyn
- Bibliography on Swiss History
- Digitised Collections of the Swiss National Library
- Gugelmann Collection
- ISplus Swiss (G)LAM Inventory
- Manuskripte Friedrich Glauser
- Photo collection Max van Berchem
- Swiss Book (2001-)
- Swiss Rainer Maria Rilke Archive
- Photo Collection Annemarie Schwarzenbach
Swiss National Museum
- Historical Photos «Vues de la suisse» by Adolphe Braun & Cie.
- Representative sample from the Ceramics & Glass Collection (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Weapons & Uniforms Collection (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Technology & Traditions Collection (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Numismatics & Seals Collection (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Paintings & Sculptures Collection (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Carriages, Sledges, & Vehicles Collection (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Precious & Non-ferrous Metals Collection (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Special Collections (images and metadata)
- Representative sample from the Archeological Collection (images and metadata)
- Swiss National Sound Archives
- Swiss Social Archives
- Swiss Theatre Collection
Swiss National Biodiversity Data and Information Centres –
- ⭐️ Swiss National Amphibia Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Apoidea Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Bat Databank: Regional Coordination Eastern Switzerland (KOF) - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Bat Databank: Regional Coordination Western Switzerland (CCO) - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Bryophyte Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Butterflies and Forester Moths Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Butterflies and Forester Moths Databank (Checklist) - checklist dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Cicadidae Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Coleoptera Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Coleoptera Databank (Checklist) - checklist dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Databank of Green Algae (Characeae) - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Databank of Mayflies, Stoneflies and Caddiesflies - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Databank of Vascular Plants - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Decapoda Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Diplopoda Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Dragonflies Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Fish Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Fungi Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Grasshoppers Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Lichens Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Mammal Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Mammal Databank: Larger Carnivores Monitoring Program (KORA) - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Mollusca Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Moths Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Owlflies Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Spider Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss National Vespoidea Databank - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss Occurrence Records of Native Species of Various Faunal Groups - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss Occurrence Records of Non-Native Species of Various Faunal Groups - occurrence dataset
- ⭐️ Swiss Species Occurrence Data for Controlled Access by and SwissCatchment, v1 - metadata dataset
- University Library of Basel
- University of Lausanne, Institut universitaire d'histoire de la médecine et de la santé publique
- University of Neuchâtel
- University of Zurich
- Uster – Municipal Archives
- Vereinigte Herbarien der Universität und ETH Zürich
- Zentral- und Hochschulbibliothek Luzern
- Zentralbibliothek Solothurn
- Zentralbibliothek Zürich
Exceptions not hosted on
The GIOCOnDa LOD Dataset Catalogue provides access to 22 linked open data datasets from various sectors such as culture, environment, tourism and health. Culture-related datasets include museums in the Canton of Ticino and the neighbouring Italian Region of Lombardy, as well as cultural and architectonical heritage of the Lecco area in Italy. The datasets can be downloaded in RDF format and are available under various Creative Commons licenses.
GIOCOnDa Catalogo Datasets LOD
HOW-TO - GIOCOnDa Sparql endpoint
The association Memoriav works in a proactive, sustainable manner to preserve, valorize and ensure broad use of Switzerland’s audiovisual cultural heritage – photographs, sound recordings, films and videos as well as context-relevant information.
⭐️ Memobase
API: provides a Rest API to some content of in a Linked Open Data Format.
Memobase API Documentation: Link
See the Data Model for more information about the various fields.
⭐️ Collection Radio pleine lune:
Information about the collection: ;
⭐️ Fonds de photographies des prises de vue techniques de l'office fédéral de topographie Swisstopo:
Information about the collection: ;
Naturmuseum Thurgau
⭐️ Natural history collections of Naturmuseum Thurgau.
Metadata of collections:
- Datenbank Herbar (26'571 Datensätze)
- Datenbank Insecta (41'840 Datensätze)
- Datenbank Mollusca (3'758 Datensätze)
Data Download:
License: CC-BY, Naturmuseum Thurgau, Frauenfeld
Contact: Barbara Richner,
Sammlung der Stiftung für Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte in Winterthur
Metadata and images of 3 specific collections:
- Appenzeller Museum Collection - The collection of a former Museum from Appenzell
- Crossbow Collection - A collection of photographes of various crossbows
- Objects hold by famous people - A collection of objects that were owned by famous persons
Data (for all 3 collections) :
License: Metadata : CC0, Photographs : CC BY-SA 4.0, PDF : under clarification
Archives d'Etat de Genève (State Archives of the Canton of Geneva)
Donation de la comtesse Eldegarde au prieuré de Satigny 21 février 912, cote CH AEG P.H. 1, Public Domain
Inventories of three historical collections:
- Collection des pièces historiques - This collection contains documents dating from 912 through 1846. It was assembled in the 19th century with the goal of gathering all documents considered interesting from the point of view of political history. The collection comprises 5700 folders with ca. 40'000 documents. Scans of the documents are accessible on the Adhémar database. More (in French)...
- Archives du département du Léman - This archival collection comprises the documents from the Administration du Léman (Département du Léman) and the Sous-préfecture de Genève during the French administration of Geneva between 1798 and 1813 (see also: "Léman (département)" in the Historical Lexicon of Switzerland)
- Finances P - This collection consists of accounting documents from the 14th century onwards, organized according to year and topic.
License: CC-0 (Inventories); Public Domain (Scans of historical documents)
Formats: CSV / Excel (Inventories); JPG (Scans of historical documents)
Data / Documentation: (Inventories and documentation in French); Adhemar (Scans of historical documents - search for “pièces historiques” in the section “Recherche de documents numérisés”)
Personnalités Vaudoises
Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire Lausanne BCUL
Anne Cuneo at the Salon du Livre 2011 in Geneva. Photo: Rama, CC BY-SA, via Wikimedia Commons.
A rich database about people notable for special artistical and cultural merits for the Canton of Vaud “personnalités vaudoises” including detailed biographical information and many links of various nature. This data stems from the database originally designed in 2006 to celebrate the Rumine Palace centennial. The database can be browsed online via:
License: Public Domain
Formats: MySQL dump, CSV
Data / Documentation: 20170907_persovd.xlsx
Inventory of Historical Monuments (Canton of Zurich)
Canton of Zurich - Monuments Protection Service
Photo: Roland zh, CC by-sa 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Inventory of historical monuments in the Canton of Zurich (Denkmalschutzobjekte).
License: list: Open use / descriptions: CC BY 4.0
Data: list as WMS / list as WFS / list as CSV / descriptions as PDF
Documentation: (German)
PCP Inventory
Federal Office for Civil Protection, PCP Section
Wiesener Viadukt, winning picture of the Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 international photo contest. Photo: David Gubler, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Inventory of Cultural Property in Switzerland (historical buildings and heritage collections). The list of A-objects contains cultural properties of national significance, while the list of B-objects contains the cultural properties of regional significance. Earlier versions of this lists have been transposed to Wikipedia and have been used as a basis for the Swiss edition of the Wiki Loves Monuments international photo competition. Openly licensed pictures of the various objects can be found on Wikimedia Commons.
License: CC-0
Format: CSV / Excel
Inventory of Historical Traffic Routes in Switzerland
Federal Roads Office
Historical Road on Septimer Pass. Photo: Mgloor, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Inventory of Historical Traffic Routes in Switzerland is a unique enterprise worldwide: on behalf of the Swiss Confederation ViaStoria has created a cartographical and descriptive survey of all roads and paths, based on their historical traffic importance or on the preserved historical structures of national importance (ca. 3'750 km). These traffic routes are protected under the Swiss Federal Law for the Protection of Nature and Landscape (NHG). More...
Format: Shapefile (among others)
Data / Documentation:
Lausanne Museums
- Musée historique de Lausanne (Lausanne Historical museum)
- Musée Romain Lausanne-Vidy (Lausanne Roman museum)
- Collection de l'Art Brut (Art Brut Collection)
- Mudac (Musée de design et d’art appliqués contemporains)
- Fonds des arts plastiques de la Ville de Lausanne
Lausanne. Le Grand-Pont est inauguré en 1844
There are 185'000 objects, many with digitized images, available through this website which brings together the collections of five museums and art institutions from Lausanne, Switzerland. All items dating from before 1900 are in the Public Domain and the metadata usable under Creative Commons licenses. Additionally this includes the Jacques-Edouard Berger collection from the mudac museum. However, note that most items in the collection de l’art brut, mudac and FAP are copyrighted, but the works of authors deceased for more than 70 years can be used.
- Images dating from before 1900: Public Domain / no known copyright
- Works of authors/photographers deceased more than 70 years ago: Public Domain (this will often require some research as the dates of death of the creators are not systematically indicated in the metadata)
- Other images: All rights reserved.
- Metadata: CC BY-SA
Formats: JPEG
Data: (click Collections for search options)
Bulk data: will be available at the hackathon courtesy of a team working on a scraper
Contact: Yann Ringgenberg
Historical Playing Cards
Historical Tarot Cards, Public Domain
Many playing cards were produced in Switzerland throughout history. Particularly famous was the Müller company in Schaffhausen which is the ancestor of today's AGMüller. But even before there was playing cards manufacturing in Switzerland. We have digitized the playing cards of a tarot game wich was designed in the manufactory of Johann Georg Rauch between 1831 and 1838. Also we have digized a deck of the ancestor deck “Tarot de Besançon”.
License: Public Domain (images)
Format: TIFF
Data: Will be available during the hackathon (to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons)
Klosterneuburger Evangelienwerk
Stadtbibliothek Schaffhausen
Detail of page 19 of the “Klosterneuburger Evangelienwerk” (Stadtbibliothek Schaffhausen, Gen. 8, Gen. 8, f. 5r), Public Domain
The “Klosterneuburger Evangelienwerk”, held by the Municipal Library of Schaffhausen, is a large-format manuscript from the 14th century, which contains the oldest version of an illustrated copy of the so-called Klosterneuburger Evangelienwerk, a German prose translation of the Gospels, together with the Lives of the Apostles and various Apocrypha from the New Testament. Over 400 pen and ink wash drawings, irregularly interspersed throughout the manuscript, accompany and illustrate the text.
License: Public Domain (If you make use of this work in a publication, an app, or the like, it is suggested that you cite it according to the citation format proposed by e-codices and send a short notice to the Municipal Library of Schaffhausen.)
Format: JPEG / TIFF
Data: JPEG-files in various formats are available via e-codices / High resolution TIFF-files will be available during the hackathon.
Documentation: e-codices
-, e-codices (for the TIFF-files)
Ufficio dell’analisi e del patrimonio culturale digitale (UAPCD) Data