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A thread to position myself - interactive installation on slavery

Help create a digital interactive exhibition installation on slavery for the online platform of the exhibition ‘Memories'


As part of the MEG's upcoming temporary exhibition, 'Memories. Geneva in the Colonial World', the interpretation team and Ivonne Gonzales, has designed a physical participative installation on the topic of slavery. The installation’s aim is to encourage the visitors to move beyond a solely intellectual (and thus distant) understanding of the transatlantic trade and its devasting consequences. Instead, the installation will ask the public to position themselves emotionally and intellectually vis-à-vis this tragic chapter of our common history.

We now need your help to carry out its digital creation.

You're also more then welcome to contribute with feedback on the physical installation!


The physical hands-on interactive installation will be situated in the physical exhibition’s section on the transatlantic trade and Geneva’s links to it, next to a mural designed by Kalonji (Genevan artist) which emphasises the fact that slavery is a chapter of our common history.A digital platform is being developed along the exhibition, which will mirror the exhibition. It is important for us that the analogue hands-on installation on slavery has a digital pendant. That would enable us to collect data on how the audiences relate to and position themselves regarding this history. It will also enable those who don’t have access to the physical exhibition to participate.


The physical version of the installation will work as follow:

dispositif mediation.png

Visitors will have to pick a pre-cut thread from five boxes. Each box contains threads of a specific colour and corresponds to one of the following affirmations: My ancestors were enslaved My ancestors participated or benefited directly or indirectly from slavery I am not directly concerned by slavery My country benefited directly or indirectly from slavery I don't know what my links to slavery are

Then, the visitor faces an oval mural on which 15 words are written. In very close proximity (immediately above or under or next to) each word there’s a nail. The visitor is invited to tie their thread around the different nails that correspond to the words or word they most identify with. The words are as follow:

  1. Ignorance
  2. Anger
  3. Hatred / Rage
  4. Impotence
  5. Disgust
  6. Humiliation
  7. Shame
  8. Suffering
  9. Courage
  10. Empathy
  11. Indifference
  12. Discomfort
  13. To know more
  14. Solidarity
  15. Need for reparation OPTIONS: Justice / Activism

The idea is therefore that each person creates a ‘path of resonance’ on the tapestry that maps the collective relationship ‘we’ have with the transatlantic slave trade.

A few things to keep in mind:

The tapestry must remain oval-shaped. As data/paths accumulate, it is important that the categories remain visible/readable. The categories may change and evolve - so the digital installation must be easy for the museum team to update!



Contributed 1 year ago by EmilieThvenoz for GLAMhack 2023
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