Micro-Bug-Fix Task-Force

Bonus room to triage GLAM bugs and fix


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Tired of designing and implementing mind-blowing prototypes that... you'll archive in the "side-projects pile" in two days? 🫠You unlocked this bonus room where you can jump in and out anytime. A parallel help-desk dedicated to troubleshooting random super-tiny bugs in various horizontal Free/Libre Open Source projects. Just because we can try!

Project workflow: sit down > take a pickaxe > dig into your software backlog > explain one bug > reproduce > troubleshoot > propose a solution > discuss the solution > propose a patch > share the patch > test the patch > and get the best of the prizes: the satisfaction of having fixed another bug in our planet.

At the end of the event, some awards will be given to celebrate the bug-fixes under the category "maximum effort, minimum result" 🤩

P.S. We cannot share a list of bugs right now because we do not know what is coming from you.


Event finish


Edited (version 10)

3 weeks ago ~ vboz

Edited (version 9)

3 weeks ago ~ vboz

Edited (version 8)

3 weeks ago ~ vboz

Sounds like a Hackergarten/ Hacknight style challenge. Let's put more of a GLAM-focus here by shortlisting FOSS projects in need of attention. Do you have something in mind? Add it to the scratch pad.

3 weeks ago ~ loleg

Edited (version 6)

3 weeks ago ~ vboz

Edited (version 7)

3 weeks ago ~ vboz

Joined the team

1 month ago ~ vboz

Whoops, I was not logged-in. It's me!

1 month ago ~ vboz
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