Add headings (@lucaswerkmeister)
Wikidata ontology explorer
small website to explore ontologies on Wikidata
A small tool to get a quick feeling of an ontology on Wikidata.
Source code:
(None, but hopefully this helps you do stuff with your data :) )
Wikidata ontology explorer
A small website to quickly answer the question “what do items like this typically look like on Wikidata?”
To explore the ontology of some class, enter the item ID of the class into the “Wikidata class” field.
To explore the ontology of items using some property, select the “by property” radio button and enter the property ID of the property into the “Wikidata property” field.
Click the “Explore” button.
To explore more ontologies, repeat the above steps (but you don’t need to re-open the page).
The content of this repository is released under the AGPL v3+ as provided in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
By submitting a “pull request” or otherwise contributing to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the license mentioned above.
Event finish
Use ChildNode.replaceWith()
It’s only supported by Firefox and Chrome, but it’s in a standard, so that’s good enough for me :)
(The motivation for this is that I’d like to have a few more elements inside the divs surrounding the replaced elements, to exp (@lucaswerkmeister)
Use strict mode (@lucaswerkmeister)
Improve text field with HTML5 attributes
This makes the browser show pretty error messages if the input is invalid. (@lucaswerkmeister)
Move event handler to JS file
My CSP on blocks inline scripts.
This also includes the change to listen to the form submit event instead of the button click event, which makes pressing Return in the text input work for free :) (@lucaswerkmeister)
Slightly improve styles (@lucaswerkmeister)
Show hierarchy and common properties and statements
It’s not especially pretty, but it’s functional. (@lucaswerkmeister)
Add form and placeholder divs (@lucaswerkmeister)
Initial commit
Contentless HTML page with Bootstrap, title, RDFa, and license info. (@lucaswerkmeister)
Swiss Video Games Directory
Open Cultural Data Hackathon 2017