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MyData IndiviDUALbooks. Proof-of-concept.
- How to choose & connect to the unique user - the closest relevant to his/her unique issue/need
- the 'best practices' (e.g. the COVID-19 contact tracing app: from (millions of apps) in app stores);
- approved by reliable experts, how to easily access the ethical solutions in times of crisis?
- The prevalent economic systems of developed countries are built top-down for corporate & political power growth, 70% of digitalisation solutions fail (Behnam Tabrizi , 2019); not for the empowerment of an individual.
This provider-oriented, dead-end dichotomy of development (for centralising power) proves to be destructive for democracy & human dignity (Sh. Zuboff, #TheAGeOfSurveillanceCapitalism), clearly seen during current crisis: the failure of wellbeing promises to people is breaching the social contracts.
Services users, robbed of human right to healthy living & stripped of political power, suffer and lose TRUST in this system because they can’t influence the capitalist (like via GAFAM / USA)/communist (like from China) powerplay and diminish the digital inequality gap growth by peaceful action.
SOLUTION. Personal empowerment, thanks to mass adoption of the user & context relevant best practices,
- via human-centric access to digital apps, with TRUST being built:
- by seamless mass dissemination of indiviDUAL BENEFICIAL digital behaviour habit: visual access to the secure MyData-interface
- to API's of Mydata-certified Operators / public service operators / public health operators (MyData-IHAN, SITRA Project, Finland)
- enabled by taking responsibility of the approval of the 'best practices' by global expert community of
- in cases of lacking public service of approval / choice of the 'best practice'. E.g.: choice in EU among several available COVID-19 infected Contact Tracing apps.
Tool: MyData IndiviDUALbooks, for under-served people, rescue & learning; 'MyData best practices' dissemination service, B2CoOp2C. When knowledge sources are not accessible (e.g. closed by pandemic; paywalled; marginalized; privacy harming),
secure & trusted communication between experts & citizen is paramount: via UpCode/DUAL stickers of IndiviDUALbook/oeBook (Open Europe book), on-demand SECURELY printed, for safe P2P cycling beyond Public Libraries/PL: without (costly for taxpayer) librarians manual jobs.
Our solution for MASS dissemination combines several sub-systems (1-8), each may function (or not) also autonomously, improving life quality
- and their combination enables seamless, human-centric access to the Learning's 'best practices',
- indiviDUALly i.e. via human senses AND via digital twins, tools of subsystem's products.
A physical, haptic-friendly UNIQUE oeBook is home delivered in hours (with the expert advices, human-readable & machine-readable/by scan at UpCode sticker), engaging even digitally illiterate users by human-centric & optimal learning (paper) form factor, associated with TRUSTED (PL) experiences,
relevant to context of the unique user/'crisis patient': see slides 16, 28 of oeBooks presentation;
watch 2 minutes video of #HackTheCrisisFinland
NB: oeBooks are less costly than via legacy business models of book production & distribution.
Subsystems (1-8):
(1), a non-profit organization, the umbrella, uniting expert communities for ETHICAL human-centric data processing;
takes the responsibility to deliver to global users the experts' choice of a 'best practice', in context of user's data & event.
(2) MyData Global cooperative (pending form, like a platform cooperative / PPP), a MyData Case Library ;
Open Accessible (via PL networks / MyData Cooperative Operators) for any cooperative member, as a grassroots movement for personal dignity, in hyper-connected world.
This service's business model is B2CoOp2C / Business to Cooperative Operator to Consumer;
Business to (MyData) Cooperative Operator to Consumer: sub-divison of Collective framework of service Governance in human-centric way.
An indvidual may authorize an algorithm to choose MyData Operator’s API by a context (via seamless access to a MyData Operator’s API, e.g. by a click at the MyData logo, enhanced as-a-button). The choice of a context is enabled by choice of an interface by an individual (a seamless choice / MyData responsibility: an individual is nudged to a certain interface type, by MyData logo-button) - relevant to an event & user need. It's a choice of a certain type of QR-code to access services, among open source Data Matrix (GDPR & Open Access-conform) / proprietary Data Matrix (GDPR-conform, but not Open Source) / opposite to a 'US/Chinese surveillance' QR-code type (like ChiQR, that is not GDPR-conform, but is sneaking into use in EU).
(3) PL networks and resources, including the collaborating non-public libraries & knowledge containers, like University libraries etc. (e.g.;;
enable accumulation of knowledge resources, to be assessed / peer reviewed / suggested to end-user delivery, by sub-systems (1-2).
(4),, THE method to make intelligent solutions to improve processes by handling rich data with AI;
enabling Edge AI processing (never missing a user-controlled processor) of Knowledge & Learning data, leveraging Smart tags as links for any data with personal rights and values (intrinsic & extrinsic).
Smart tags can work on- and off-line solution, storing private data on citizens mobile device. This data is protected by disposable-id which can be used to build two-sided trust.
Citizen creates disposable ID with their photo and selected credentials. Then this ID is used to create eWallet where all data is encrypted either by public or private key. Citizen can proof their identity to third party by showing their UpCode & photo which are stored in local storage. When data is transferred to users ewallet is encrypted and only user can open it. This data transfer is contactless and uses UpCode's as data stream. Data sender can then be sure that data can only be read by receiver and also that receiver is who they pretend to be.
Possible uses cases are virtual+paper (DUAL) books, evouchers and healtcare solutions.
UpCode coordinates this project.
(5) MyData IndiviDUALbooks, PL paper books, on- & off-line enriched by products of subsystems (1-4);
for ubiquity and Online2Offline-protection of 'best practices' Smart tags-as-carriers of societal penetration & mass dissemination;
oeBooks 1-pager:
(6) ScanTORI, The habit & The method of MIRO (My Interaction with Relevant Objects; like recording of mirror reflections data); by looking/scanning at the TOp RIght (TORI) corner of physical or virtual objects, mass-placed at axes intersections;
recording time&place changes of human 'glance directions' / scans of inter-positions of ethical 'best practice's tags;
at user's memex-like Edge processors,, by MyData Global Edge AI operators - per subsystem (2);
for user's contextual (seamless, human senses friendly) control of interactions between end-user and the surrounding Smart tags;
thus quick-delivering the context-related 'best practice', improving life quality.
This method may leverage DHID/DP3T findings, with or without utilizing BLE data (,
also without need of smartphones - phone BLE data may be superseded by Li-Fi - for wider engaging under-served groups of population,
for raising 'best practices' penetration to 60+% of population: leveraging (3) PL networks actual ubiquity in developed/EU countries;
and by adding penetration by 'non-library patrons' money use cases: subsystem (4) offers improvement of purchasing practices via incentivized e-wallets; as well as co-engages by a wide spectrum of UpCode-improved user experiences at daily situations in work-learning-leisure paradigm (watch 2 minutes from 13:00
PL patrons = 20% in EU to 40% in Finland (excluding non-reading babies 2,5%; non-curable for library/impaired groups 5%);
60% regular usage is needed for efficiency of 'best practices' dissemination, e.g. for contact tracing, via DHID/DP3T;
How it works (virtual notes of 'virtual eye-contact' data are sent by 1click/Li-Fi or BLE 'glance' at PERSONAL, but ANONYMOUS sticker's UpCode, from a local library oeBook - to Personal Data Stores/PDS, managed by MyData Operator, like, to the nearest axis'/w3w axis' intersections/Edges; Open Source version of anonymous data locations nearby: 'My PDS is 3 meters away, at w3w axis cross' - see comments to Slide 4
(7) geo-location grid subsystem;
enabling human senses dimension involvement to machine readable geo-data;
enriched by 'the 3rd coordinate' of interactions angle-of-sight, from subsystems (5-6).
(8) Li-Fi, the wireless communication technology which utilizes light to transmit data and position between devices;
enabling co-working of subsystems (1-7), in collaboration and autonomously.
Deliverables and impact of the project
Costs saving by libraries
Costs of library manual work are partially eliminated by the proposed solution. Manual work for at least 10% of books, that will be enhanced by Accessible Formats, for Visually Impaired People (for e.g. 10% of 300 M € taxpayer costs of Finland public libraries) will be replaced via the business model of Œbooks: Peer-to-Peer Œbooks & context data exchange via on-demand localized printing, BEYOND PL walls.
Plastic lamination replacement in libraries
To-date new book manual wrapping by plastic dust cover takes approximately 3 min., produces harmful waste. Instead of plastic lamination of books, a multi-layer folded paper dust cover will be produced by on-demand printer. Wear-resistive, eco-materials for Œbook covers are designed by, for producers like 3M, in USA & Germany; Paptic OY + Woodly Oy, in collaboration with VTT, FIN; FoFi, CH.
Increasing the amount of library loans by 8-10%
Our solution will provide access to reserved, but unavailable books, by enabling on-demand last mile printing. Book authors will be informed of the royalty fee, in the 1click-moment of Œbook exchange, via e.g. in Finland public fund Sanasto. This solution raises social inclusion, incentivizing more visits to library book cafes (when pandemic ends) & Peer-to-Peer book sharing (during pandemic, with 24-hours book quarantine via unmanned ‘Minilibrary’: watch 2-minutes video; will cut personal data abuse, by NGI use/ ETHICAL digital services, library patrons, for 50+% of Finns, & EU-wide.
Minimizing waste, saving energy costs
On-demand printed Œbook can be kept by patron forever, leveraging co-ownership of Œbook; in1click sent to recycling or shared via Postal service’s (e.g.;; Helmet Pocket Library) mobile application, thus saving public libraries & publishers relative costs vs ‘traditional’ book processing (manual ABC-shelving jobs, sorting lines inside library AND INSIDE Postal/ inter-library logistics, retail).
Personalized healing: reading issue of Visually Impaired, illiterate, digitally excluded; vs virus contagion
Reduced costs of personalized treatment (of reading issues; ANONYMOUS infection contact tracing), via PDS at Œbooks, will enable accessibility to more learning & healing resources, thus reducing suffer from a.m. issues. Library Œbooks ubiquity will enable ubiquity of ethical access to The Web, via NGI.
The new building blocks of our service to contribute open hardware and software ecosystems growth
We help to Open Science / PlanS; Europeana Open Culture projects READ, GIFT: by our access model #Host3Books4PlanS, for University students' volunteer book scanning, one free book/ project, for 1 hour scan activities (ca. per scanned 3-4 books). Our Open SW partners are NGO’s: MyData Global (I'm Founding Member), Open Knowledge Finland (I'm layman auditor); for Opening library loans Data/ Open HardWare: we promote Espresso Book Machine / EBM global network model - a book is self-produced by a (VIP) user, locally. Our innovation, RISO book finishing printer inside EBM: x 10 speed.
We leverage open source tech for security & privacy. Among these technologies (& proprietary tech™):
- Books on-demand printing, EU: e.g. at Rotomail, Milan, since 2010; Otava, Finland - since 2019 - Digital print, BookOfOne production at ‘last mile’/near user: ‘Espresso Book Machines’, at RISO - Book flexible covers production: light & robust multi-layered eco-paper for book dust jackets / envelope perforated tags, opened by pulling thread straps: for 1click book retour* - 2D-coding of printed media for (1) machine-readable tasks and (2) naked-eye/ visual engagement - Adding VoicEye codes for audio-books, it makes up to A3 size pages speak = human sense friendly: oeBook produces audio, offline, for free, via 2D-codes ( printed at every second page (™proprietary technology of VoicEye; no such level of encryption tech is market available) - UpCode™ Tags Management/ Mobile Access & Interaction™(™proprietary technology of UpCode; no similar level of security is market available); and Open Source TagItSmart™ methods - Pressure Seal technology of forms, for 3M converting lines, Germany (Post-It stickers) - MyData approach, per GDPR: human-centric personal data usage, controlled by data subject - Copyright royalty 1click flow: Creative Passport, copy-for-own-use & Marrakesh Treaty: “minority wins” - & expertise: AI Ethics, Codes of Conduct for human-centric data.
- Best digital practices of MyData Operators, 1click-accessible via NGI; including ‘ ScanTent’, FAIR data: via UpCode MAI™ at PL & ABC We are committed to make all Project publications available under the Creative Commons BY 4.0 licence.
##Impact. Addressable Markets: population groups (A) + (B)
(A) PL patrons NOW = 20% average in EU; 40% in Finland (excluding non-reading babies 2,5%; noncurable for library/impaired groups 5%) + would grow thanks to oeBooks growing availability (B) + 19% (20% less 1%) Visually Impaired People/VIP in EU (WHO statistics VIP=20%, incl. dyslexia); 1% receive AF books NOW (i.e. lack Societal Inclusion, Access-to-Learning) in Accessible Formats (AF are demanded by Accessibility law), due to legacy, outdated technologies of AF books production & distribution, like audio books in Finland, eBooks world over vs oeBooks/AF-twins*.
We address EACH of VIP & non-VIP: (s)he ‘twins’ book into her unique copy, curing unique issue.
This project aims to grow to 60% (A+B) regular usage** of personal data services, measurable via UpCode; 60% assessed as efficient for 'best practices' dissemination, e.g. for contact tracing, via DHID/DP3T. How it works: virtual notes of user contact data*** will be AI-storaged at PDS of intersections axis /AI Edges, see comments to Slide4
*2 minutes video of #HackTheCrisisFinland
** Method of ‘regularity of usage’ measurement: DAU, MAU, DAU/MAU *** Contacts data include metadata of user’s interaction with Smart tags (UpCode™), virtual & physical; tags data & ‘line-of-sight’ Li-Fi triangulation (or DHID / BLE phone data) will be stored at user-onlycontrolled Edge AI containers at virtual crosses of nearby axis
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