This challenge is awaiting approval from an organizer.
Fresh perspective onto historic collections
Open source image collection of the Swiss National Library
The Swiss National Library would like to gather experiences in visualizing and contextualizing big image collections (like graphics, photographies, architectural plans, maybe even texts) either by using keywords based on thesauri of geographic names and name authorities, or by looking for similarities in color or form.
In Wikimedia Commons...
- Category:Media contributed by the Swiss National Library
- Category:CH-NB photographs by Eduard Spelterini
- Category:Collection Gugelmann
- Category:CH-NB-Grafiken Orts- und Landschaftsansichten
- Category:CH-NB-Max van Berchem
- Category:CH-NB Zürich Hauptbahnhof Wannerpläne
- Archiv Adolf Pochon
- Bildersammlung Eduard Spelterini
- Bildersammlung Max van Berchem
- Sammlung Gugelmann (Schweizer Kleinmeister)
- Bildersammlung Annemarie Schwarzenbach
- I.e. use existing tools like Vikus Viewer
- Look for tools, which allow the visualization of historic routes on interactive maps by integrating georeferenced images
- Try to find so-called “Kodak-Points” of the 16th/17th century - points of special (touristic) interest - by placing georeferenced images on an interactive map.
Vikus Viewer allows to arrange big collections of images on a dynamic canvas and supports the exploration of thematic and material patterns on a timeline.
Contact eMail to ... the Prints and Drawings Department (PDD) of the Swiss National Library
Event finish
Joined the team
3 years ago
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3 years ago
e-rara: Spatial focuses of ETH-Professors
GLAMhack 2021
Harald Nägeli - Höhlenbewohner