At the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchatel we are working on a data base project linked with a provenance research project on our collections of South America. I am participating to the glamhack to think about what a transparant and ethical data base can be and how to apply it to natural history museums. I also am writing a master thesis on the decolonisation of natural history museums and therefore i am curious about "decolonial" project of other museums and what challenges they face during this processus.
I am master's student in museology at the University of Neuchatel and i work on the current ethical challenges that cultural institutions are facing, such as decolonial approaches of the collections, inclusion or sustainability. I also have a bachelor degree in anthropology and especially studied patrimonial issues. I am currently an internship at the Musée d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel and work on a provenance research project which aims at reconnecting archives and collections of South America. At the museum we also work as a team on what is a problematic specimen of natural history collections in terms of provenance, and what can natural history museums do to work in a reflexive way on these collections whose history is linked to colonialism.