


--talk( ); ++[ ⚡❤☀ ].make! /* truthy tweets, lossy links, open causes | retweet or the 🐲 gets it | subscribe to @seismist for moar data 🥤 */



Be excellent to each other.



Minor text formatting - greetings from

2 months ago

Screenshot of Penpot app More background added to our 📖README

10 months ago

Another Inspiring sketch by Cary Huang

10 months ago

Work in progress, a P5.js (Processing) sketch that looks like this:

10 months ago

(c) Electronic Arts Makes me think of the Unravel video game And unsavoury Internet threads 🧵

10 months ago

Check out the Hinto challenge from last year's ReJoHa event.

10 months ago

Added screenshots, social posts and clips to all projects.

1 year ago

The data is now inserted in Wikidata, though not in the ideal format, and we are still working on adding more of the schema. An initial map based on a quick & dirty Data Package API is working.

1 year ago

Crunch those rows! Using OpenRefine to wrangle the occurrences dataset.

1 year ago

We met with the expert, formed a team, and brainstormed possible designs. We are super motivated to build on this data.

1 year ago