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Networking Swiss Performance Art

Mapping Performance Art projects through correlations based on artists, performers, titles of the performances, festivals and geodata.

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Download Dataset (CSV)

📦 File: bangbang20221011hackaton.csv

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In preparation for the exhibition BANG BANG - Translocal Performance Historie:s in Switzerland, a platform was set up on which Swiss artists could upload their works of performance art: https://mediathek.hgk.fhnw.ch/bangbang/.

See visuals at: https://mediathek.hgk.fhnw.ch/bangbang/digitale-see/


The data was brought together from the community for the community. Among other information the dataset contains information about artists / artist groups (including their function within the performative works), work titles, dates of the presentations, festivals or exhibitions, and locations. Even though the audio-visual materials can only be used on the platform, the underlying metadata seems pretty meaningful, especially when being analyzed, explored and experienced in a visual way. This is the aim of this challenge! Please find ways to show the relations among things – such as for example:

· Where took performances place in Switzerland ? [Correlate row “id”, possibly “title” with “eventplace”; you might also correlate row “festival” with “eventplace”]

· When did performances take place (and where) ? [Correlate row “id” and “title” with “date”]

· Who/which artists worked together within which pieces (pieces are referred by worked and title)? [Analyze rows “artist” and “performers” by identifying names, IDs and repetitions].

· Which artists met at which festival / exhibition / places ?

· How did the history (dates) evolve?

Correlating names, dates, places and festivals via work-IDs might bring to light so many different information which is currently just hided by the huge amount of data.


Data is provided as CSV table, containing the following information

· id

· artists

o structures as Lastname, Firstname

o if there is more than one name, they are spererated by ;

o if the artist has an artists name or there is a collective, they are signed by [name of collective]

o if artists had specific roles within the piece, especially in the row of performancers, they are indicated by (function)

· year

· titel of the work

· doctype

· dauer (= duration)

· performers

· festival

· eventplace

· medium (rather for documentation purposis and copyrights)

URLs to the work-entries end always with the last four numbers (= id)

· https://mediathek.hgk.fhnw.ch/bangbang/detail/bangbang-1591

if there are less then 4 numbers, add 0

· https://mediathek.hgk.fhnw.ch/amp/detail/bangbang-0015

Since data is in certain cases still very rough, just skip entries which do not fit, match or disturb your analysis / visualization ….



Tabea Lurk, tabea.lurk at fhnw.ch

Contributed 2 years ago by jonaslendenmann for GLAMhack 2022
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