Inital commit (@Stefan Oderbolz)
Ancestors on Wikidata
automatic visualisation of family trees
Ancestors gadget for Wikidata
The project was initially created during the 1st Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon in 2015.
This simple gadget displays the family tree of a given item from wikidata. It does that by querying Wikidata for the father/mother values. If you want to use it on Wikidata, you can enable it in your user settings (enable "Ancestor").
The tool is available at the following URL:
The gadget takes 3 parameters in the URL:
(query): this is the root element, it must be a Wikidata ID (e.g. Q7742), default isQ154952
(Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands)lang
(language): the language in which the data should be displayed, default isen
: the amount of levels of the family tree, default is5
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