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Animation in the spirit of dada poetry

📂 Demo

The computer produces animations. Dada! All your artworks are belong to us. We build the parameters, you watch the animations. Words, images, collide together into ever changing, non-random, pseudo-random, deliberately unpredictable tensile moments of social media amusement. Yay!

For this first prototype we used Walter Serner's Text "Letzte Lockerung -- Manifest Dada" as a source. This text is consequently reconfigured, rewritten and thereby reinterpreted by the means of machine learning using "char-rnm".

Images in the public domain snatched out of the collection "Wandervögel" from the Schweizerische Sozialarchiv.

Your instant piece of art

By sending something to the Twitter account @ada_d, you get a piece of animated dada back. Smile and enjoy.




a mindful #glamhack brought to you by SODA/camp

based on Zulko/gizeh and karan/slashgif


Copy config-sample.py to config.py and fill in the data.

sudo apt-get install python-numpy
virtualenv env --system-site-packages
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python bot.py
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