Edited (version 12)
A "meta" challenge, in the form of a visualization that encourages participants to share some feedback/thoughts about this platform
A quick visualization of all the GLAMhack projects using the Dribdat API in Theatre.js, with sound clips and aerial footage of Lucerne for a "deep dive" into our data. (Screenshot above)
- Invites people to hack on our community-generated content
- We might ask why the dataset is not better available (Opendata.swiss ...)
- How could we improve the data model, what impacts do we want to capture?
- Fix the playback so it just plays
- Add a tracking control or navigation
- Publish online so people can see it
- Add the people (as fishes?..) moving around
- Visualize the Activities and Events data
- Use a live map rather than captures
The concept of the plan, a.k.a. our replacement program for Open Glam Night 2024
Celebrating the spirit of hackathons, “Deep GLAM” invites you to celebrate participatory culture hacking with a data-driven story. Join us on an interactive journey to connect all the dots between collections, resources, ideas and experiments, generated with over 10 years of OpenGLAM events in Switzerland, ready for the next 10+. Using data from the open source platforms that are evolving through every GLAMhack, we render an immersive visualization of the places, people and projects we have sparked over the years. Dive deep into the digital waters of Lake Lucerne, to explore the past, and imagine the future of our dynamic, caring and optimistic data culture!
Technical info
Projects launched at Open Cultural Data Hackathons (GLAMhack) over the years since 2015 have been published on various parts of the Web. We have collected them all into the database of Dribdat, the API of which is at hack.glam.opendata.ch/about and will be made available soon as Data Package on Opendata.swiss. Using THREE.js and Theater.js, the data points are rendered as a generative animation, which portrays the projects and the people behind them in a whimsical way. Using map data from swisstopo, we can see the all the places around Switzerland where these ideas took shape. As audio track, we plan to play sound bytes from Infoclio 10 year video gallery, on top of public domain recordings (example 1, example 2, example 3) that were used in GLAMhack projects. The finale is a series of public domain and generative images rendered through shaders to help imagine the future movement of GLAM.
- Code: https://github.com/we-art-o-nauts/DeepGLAM
- Data: https://drive.proton.me/urls/130YYGEHPW#7bumMawPuu6q
- Photo of Neubad with projection bar
- New year immersive performance by @sophielemeillour
- 2 high powered projectors are on site and will be used for simultaneous frontal projection of the same image in sharp and diffuse format.
- Sound system will be available.
- Immersive
- Spontaneous
- New methods
- Participative
- Celebration
- Data culture
- Open source
- Web based
- Peregrination
- Connected
- Extendable
- Schweizer Kleinmeister / Swiss GLAM Inventory (GLAMhack 2015)
- Sprichort “an app to travel in time” (GLAMhack 2016)
- we-art-o-nauts / the scene lives (GLAMhack 2018 / 2021)
- Opendata.ch 10 Year Review
- Zeitreise - swisstopo
- eine grenzerfahrung - HSLU
(DDA+22 student project by Luisa Maier, Thomas Schaad, Timo Baumann) - Unsichtbare Grenzen - Republik
- Maplibre with 3D models
- neal.fun/deep-sea
Original program
(unfortunately cancelled due to illness)
Re-Imagining Future Collections
By means of their participatory performance, the Swiss Afro-Cuban artist Ivonne Gonzalez and Ali-Eddine Abd El Khalek will take the audience on an interactive journey through Swiss heritage collections, touching upon themes such as migration, disability, the participation of women in Swiss political life, language barriers, different musical styles, etc.
THREE.js with Theatre.js
- Start the dev server:
yarn start
- Build for production:
yarn build
Randomly Wandering Around
GLAMhack 2024
ZentralGut Birthday Paper