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display data of museumobjects in a innovative and explorative way


Explore the collection in a new, interessting way

You have to find objects, which have similar metadata and try to match them. The displayed objects are (semi-)randomly selected from a dataset (eg. from SNM). From the metadata of the starting object, the app will search for three other objects:

  • One which matches in 2+ metadata tags

  • One which matches in 1 metadata tag

  • One which is completly random.

If you choose the right one, the app will display three new objects accordingly to the way explained above.

Tags used from the datasets:

  • OBJEKT Klassifikation (x)

  • OBJEKT Webtext

  • OBJEKT Datierung (x)

  • OBJEKT → Herstellung (x)

  • OBJEKT → Herkunft (x)

(x) = used for matching

To Do

  • Datasets are too divers; in some cases there is no match. Datasets need to be prepared.

  • The tag "Klassifikation" is too specific

  • The tags "Herstellung" and "Herkunft" are often empty or not consistent.

  • The gaming aspect needs to be implemented

Use case

There are various cases, where the app could be used. It mainly depends on the datasets you use:

  • Explore hidden objects of a museum collection

  • Train students to identify art periods

  • Find connections between museums, which are not obvious (e.g. art and historical objects)



SNM https://opendata.swiss/en/organization/schweizerisches-nationalmuseum-snm

--> Build with two sets: Technologie und Brauchtum / Kutschen & Schlitten & Fahrzeuge


Tech. Demo: https://zack17.github.io/ocdh2018/

Design Demo (not functional): https://tempestas.ch/artify/


  • Micha Reiser
  • Jacqueline Martinelli
  • Anastasiya Korotkova
  • Dominic Studer
  • Yaw Lam



The goal of this project is to display different data of museumobjects in a innovative way.


Datasource of the project is open data from the Landesmuseum Zürich. https://opendata.swiss/en/organization/schweizerisches-nationalmuseum-snm

Build during the 4th Swiss Open Cultural Data Hackathon. (http://make.opendata.ch/wiki/event:2018-10)

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